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Cancer Traetment

Where allopathy fails there Siddha Starts - Dr.Muthukrishnan


An abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases, to metastasize (spread).

Types Of Cancer

  • Bladder Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Brain Cancer
  • MelanomaBreast Cancer
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Skin Cancer
  • LeukemiaThyroid Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Uterine Cancer

Population of Cancer Patient in World

There were an estimated 14.1 million cancer cases around the world in 2012, of these 7.4 million cases were in men and 6.7 million in women. This number is expected to increase to 24 million by 2035. - Source : WCRF.Org

Lifespan of Cancer Patient

Survival rates are based on studies of cancer patients during and after treatment. However, some of these studies were done 10 or more years ago, and cancer medications and methods have changed a great deal over the years. The life expectancy for a specific type of cancer is often reported as a five-year survival rate. - Source : LIVESTRONG

World Expenditure For Cancer

Spending on cancer medicines totaled $107 billion worldwide in 2015 and is projected to exceed $150 billion by 2020, reflecting adoption of newer, pricier therapies, according to a report from the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. - Source : CNBC

Siddha Treatment by Dr.Muthu Krishnan for Cancer

Cancer cells grows faster more than 10 times of a normal cell growth of human. So herbals used for Cancer by other Siddha Vaidhayar doctors are less and can't able to control the fastly growing cancer cells efficiency. The Alcholoids, Phyto Chemicals in herbals are in micro or nano level only, which also not efficient enough to act against rapid growing cancer cells efficiently. Example: Vincristia, Vinblastin, invinca rosa herbals. Thats why Siddha herbals treatments were unsuccessfull.

Whereas Dr.Muthukrishnan treatment contains minerals, arcenics, metals which are processed in many ways to act very faster like the intensive care treatment of allopathy

The minerals and metals arcenics like Navapashanam are properly detoxified, purified and then prepared as a medicines. For cancer treatment, this Kattu & Khalangu medicines were formulated by traditional method only. So as siddha says if this Khalangu medicines is prepared properly will treatment nearly 4448 types of diseases. Here Dr.Muthukrishnan formulated and prepared this Kayakhlpha medicine for various type of cancer separately.

The medicinal value of Lord Muruga Statue at Palani Temple (Tamilnadu) was made up of Navapashanam and it was prepared By Saint Bogar 1000 years before. Its curative fame was well known by the world. Even the Abishaega water treatments as the Holly Water.

DISCLAIMER :* This Treatment Will Vary From Person to Person *